Wednesday 23 March 2016



Evaluation: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

When deciding upon what genre I wanted to base our media product on, I researched many different genre trailers. This allowed me to gain a brief understanding of the codes and conventions of different types of trailers. From the research, I decided to make my media product a psychological horror. I felt horror was the easiest genre to portray in our media product as the props which I wanted Ire easily assessable and the codes and conventions that I researched I found easiest to understand and felt that I would able to fulfil these codes and conventions.
From both of my main product and the ancillary tasks I explored high standard movie trailers, posters and magazines. This gave me an idea for each and helped me explore the conventions of for my main product and ancillary tasks. I used the same image for my poster and magazine and image was very dark and I used a large image which was the vocal point of my ancillary tasks. After analysing some posters and magazines I identified that they all used the horror character on the front of the magazine and poster.   
Firstly, with the use of props. When making the trailer, magazine and the poster I included the use of the main prop which was the mask of the character “unknown”, this is because the mask shows the horror genre of the film and having this link with the trailer and poster is vital as I feel I would not look as effective if the trailer and poster Ire both suggesting different genres for my film.  Colour was a big part of the trailer, poster and magazine cover as I used two colours in all three. Black, white and red Ire the colours I used, I did this because I wanted the colour to be iconic, this would then mean that whenever someone’s sees the colour of red, black or white, they could associate it with our characters. Fonts Ire also a big part of the trailer as this helped me also keep continuity of the poster and magazine, I used a similar font in each ancillary text and in the trailer to make sure this continuity progressed, this then helped me make sure that each part linked with each other.  This would then mean our audience could associate this font with my film as they would have seen it in three different areas and this font could easily be put into their heads. Font was also important as I had to make sure the font I chose was relevant and suited the psychological horror.

What have you learned from audience feedback?

Audience feedback has been very valuable when completing my ancillary tasks. The feedback I received from my peers helped me improve my first drafts and without the feedback which I received, I would of have been able to produce successful ancillary tasks that suits my target audience. It was a hard process when producing my ancillary tasks, one reason for this was due to the fact that I struggle to keep up with my timeline and struggled to meet deadlines. However, I was still able to create three drafts which on each time I improved my ancillary tasks whether it was my editing needing to improve. What did help me was as I created a magazine in AS so I already had experience using InDesign and Photoshop so I was able to see where I can improve from my previous year.  I have asked my peers to give me feedback on my blog on their opinion of my ancillary tasks. I also asked them to say 

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

I used a variety of media technologies to help conduct my research. These different technologies range from using social networks such as Facebook and YouTube to different editing websites such as InDesign and Photoshop. 

Before I produced my trailer, I created a survey to get opinions from a random sample to help me of what my trailer should look like, for example the setting of my trailer. For this I used the website survey monkey to put together 10 questions that Ire inspired by 25 random individuals. The questions that Ire asked Ire their age, gender and the characteristics they would like to see in a horror movie trailer. The reason why I used this website was because it was really quick and easy to create multiple choice questions and did not take a lot of time in my timeline so I was able to focus on more important tasks such as producing my trailer and my ancillary tasks. The website gave me charts of each question which told me what option was picked the most by the individuals who filled out my questionnaire.