Monday 16 November 2015

Storyboard of my Movie Trailer

This is the storyboard that i created on the website storyboard that. This has helped me develop my ideas of my trailer and come up with good ideas to produce my film trailer. Hopefully, I can now start recording my trailer as I have now got characters to be in my trailer that I believe will be reliable and trustworthy. My trailer, is specifically based on one character where he will be involved throughout. Camera angles in my trailer will add to the tension and make my trailer look much more professional.
A use of variety of camera angles is vital for a trailer. The camera shot I will use for the when he is trapped is a birds eye view because these kinds of shots are used in many horror trailers to make the person that is being looked down on and seem completely powerless and vulnerable. Also, when he is scared and looks vulnerable, I will use many close ups to see his reactions and his expressions. This is a shot that shows the most emotion from the characters. It also is used to capture detail in a important scene. A panning shot will be used in the last shot to show that someone is looking at him and 

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