Monday 22 June 2015

Jaws opening clip

The first clip of Jaws start of with teenagers surrounding a fire on the beach. instantly the audience can detect something straight away is going to happen because you can see that they are the majority are drunk and unstable. This is helped when two teenagers, a male and female run off down the beach near the see. 
When the girl is swimming out by herself the audience can see the buoys in the background which denotes that she is far out. The girl is wearing no clothes when swimming which could connote that she is vulnerable as she has nothing covering her. On the other hand, the boy is wearing his clothes and he is on the beach safe. 
More broadly, the violent slaying  of the girl sets the tone of Jaws in that both protagonists and antagonists are identified to the audience (humans vs sharks) very early in the film, again following the common nature of a standard narrative. Whilst the shark is attacking the the girl, the boy has no ideas what is going on and kind of passes out on the beach not sure what is currently happening 

Camera Shots 
At the beginning, the camera pans along the characters. This creates a great establishing scene amongst the youngsters. The director is trying to create an atmosphere one of a predator picking its prey.
The shots consist of various close ups, great for the audience to analyse and establish the surroundings and characters.
The film contains a shot reverse shot, which engages the audience into the film as they feel that they are involved through the use of psychological camera positioning.

Saturday 20 June 2015

Timeline Log

Before I start my coursework I have created myself a timeline which I need to stick to so I will be able to complete my coursework by the deadline. I know that some task dates will change so I need to try to keep up to date with my tasks which I will need to complete. Furthermore, I will need to give myself more time to complete my trailer as I will need to learn the skills from the software I will use from scratch. 

Thursday 11 June 2015

Conventions commonly found in horror films


     Key terms
-              Typography- Typography refers to the visual design of language through the selection of type font, size, line, and spacing.

-              Tag line- a phrase or catchword that becomes identified or associated with a person, group, product, etc., through repetition-  Entertainers often develop tag lines.

-              Technical codes- All to do with the way a text is technically constructed – camera angles, framing, typography, lighting etc.

-              Iconography- which is concerned with the use of visual images and how they trigger the audience’s expectations of a particular genre, such as a knife in slasher horror films

-              Levi-Strauss – theory of binary opposites- A binary opposition is a pair of related terms or concepts that are opposite in meaning
-              Roland Barthe-  describes a text as: "a galaxy of signifies, not a structure of signifieds; it has no beginning; it is reversible.
-              Theory of good v evil
-              Narrative theory of enigma- Enigma code Refers to any element in a story that is not explained and therefore exists as an enigma for the audience, raising questions that demand an explanation. 

Monday 8 June 2015

key terms

Key Terms

Codes are systems of signs, which create meaning. This may include technical codes, written codes and symbolic codes
Technical Codes is the use of; Camera techniques, framing, depth of field, lighting, exposure and   juxtaposition
Written Codes is the use of; Headlines, captions, speech bubbles, language style
SS     Symbolic Codes is the use of; Objects, setting, body language, clothing and colour

Conventions are habits or long accepted ways of doing things through repeated experiences. There are two types of conventions which consist of:
Technical conventionTechnical Conventions - A convention in a technical area. These conventions, apply to the majority of music videos for e.g. the video being the same length as the song and fast cuts
Genre Conventions - this is where conventions are associated with a particular genre. An example of this would be a horror film. There are many scenes in dark rooms with loud non-diegetic sound 

Sunday 7 June 2015

Aims to do to achieve my target grade

      Key words such as plan, technical and research are the three terms that I need to know to complete my tasks.

To get a grade C/B I need to:
-          Plan and research need to be evident and complete and presentation of the research need to be clear
-          Time management needs to be wise and good in most aspects
-           The layout and drafting needs to be clear to understand
This will be done through independent learning, so things that are unable to be done at school need to be completed at home, such as putting up videos onto my blog. Also I need to cons