Monday 21 September 2015

Codes and Conventions

Codes and Conventions of Action Genre
·         12/15 certificate, maximising youth audiences
·         Often hybridised with Sci Fi/Adventure/Romance
·         Major Hollywood studio produced and distributed
·         High production values including CGI FX. Fast paced editing
·         Classic Hollywood 3 act narrative structure
·         Predictable chain of events – cause and effect
·         Single stranded, linear, closed narrative
·         Dramatic non-diegetic sound
·         More narrative action codes than enigma codes
·         Clear binary opposition
·         Romantic sub-plot, Humorous dialogue
·         Relationships with new technology (youth audiences)
·         Use of close up/Insert shots/High Key Lighting
·      Dominant representation of gender: male/female action hero. Mulvey’s male gaze and contemporary female gaze can apply
·         Propp’s theories applicable

·   Uses and Gratifications theory can be mapped onto Action Films

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