Wednesday 30 September 2015

Insidious film trailer analysis


-          First shot of main protagonist is a mid-shot and shows his emotion which seems to be anxious. The next clip shows his cuts to a medium close up similar to the first shot of the trailer, however this time the protagonist is closing his eyes, and the camera is zooming in. This zooming movement connotes that we are looking at his thoughts.
-          The next shot is a shot cut of what is assumed to be their house. The camera is tracking left, and the movement feels slightly unnatural, which connotes that someone is watching the house. The shot is also low angle, connoting the house is powerful, and giving it a menacing look.
-          The previous shot then fades out, and a close up of a metronome then fades in. This also sets the scene as people usually have metronomes in the 20th century.
-           Smooth but shaky camera movement when showing characters views in corridors, builds tension and shows fears of the character, so the audience can imagine if they were in the characters position.
-          Smooth camera movements reflect feelings of main protagonists as the story plans out. For example in the hospital setting, s which zooms in on the characters faces shows emotion and feelings of anxiety and sadness.    
Mise en scene

-          In terms of the Mise en scene, this covers many aspects that a conventional horror film will include such as the props, costume, location, people etc.
-          The trailer consists of a typical location, a middle class house in a nice, respectable, quiet neighborhood occupied by a regular loving family. This is juxtaposed by the house being inhabited by a demon

-          Lighting is very soft in daytime and calm scenes of the trailer, such as the hospital scene, which creates a reassuring nature. In the tenser and darker scenes, the lighting is harsher, with lots of shadows This creates a darker atmosphere and harsher tone so creates horror. This is a typical convention of a horror film

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