Thursday 29 October 2015

Focus Group

I carried out a focus group to help me make my final decision and asked 5 broad question to my potential target audience. This has helped decide on my final idea on what I will be doing for my movie trailer. My 5 questions were all about psychological films as I had already decided to do a psychological film. The four participants in the video are all aged between 16-18 and as my film is a 15, this was the right age to ask questions about. From doing this it gave me an understanding on what you should have in a horror movie trailer for it to be a successful trailer. 

Overall, the feedback I received has shown me that from existing movie trailers, I should not show too much of the movie footage because this will give away too much of the plot. The fact that some trailers say that it was based on a true story allowed the movie to seem more realistic, which is something that I are considering adding into out trailer for effectiveness. 
Furthermore, I gathered that three out of the four said they much preferred a twist. You’re trying to create an ending that’s so unforeseen that if a million people watch your trailer, not one of them would guess how it ends. The more impossible the climax is for your protagonist to overcome, the more believable and inevitable the escape or solution needs to be.

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